Sometimes you get to a point where you need to earn extra income but can’t commit to long hours, or a job that you can work from anywhere. Probably, due to life circumstances or wanting to purchase something that's beyond your current income. Then working as a virtual assistant part-time would be the best option for you.
The need for part-time virtual assistant with different skills is highly in demand. You would be able to work from home and fit it into your schedule. So if you are looking for a virtual assistant job that can help you earn some extra cash at home then this article is right for you!
Virtual Assistant Part-Time
We have a lot of people who are looking for a part-time job and this is why we have created this blog. You can earn extra money by working on your own schedule and making money whenever you want. If you don't like the idea of working in an office, then this might be perfect for you!
There are many different ways to make money. If what you do is write, then maybe writing some articles or blog posts for people in the comfort of your own home would work for you. Working online you can earn more than minimum wage without having any physical presence at all!
All this can be done as a virtual assistant. You will be responsible for all aspects of the client's business. You'll need to help them with their correspondence, research, organizing, and scheduling activities. In addition to this, you'll also need to handle any tasks related to marketing communication & social media management that may be required by your client.
Work your own hours and earn money whenever you want!
In the Philippines, there are many online services that can help you find a job and make money from home. You can work for yourself or for a company, but it all depends on your preferences. If you have a knack for organizing things and enjoy working at home, then this may be the perfect fit for you!
Imagine earning an income just by doing what makes sense to you. Whether that means spending hours organizing files in Google Drive or writing blog posts in WordPress. The sky's the limit when it comes time to choose which tasks fit into your schedule best. Create content for websites, manage social media accounts, write articles on websites, design graphics/flash animations/videos, and so on.
Here are some different skills needed by clients that you can use to be a part-time virtual assistant:
Digital Marketing
You will also be in charge of marketing your client online through different social media. Creating a social media calendar, strategies, and ways for the business to gain online traction.
Digital marketing touches on a wide range of marketing strategies online and you can explore each and everyone to know which fits the goal of your client’s business.
Graphic Design
Having basic skills in graphic design can go a long way. Being able to use programs in design will be helpful in doing the most basic of tasks clients usually request. It’s best to know different tools as well, like Canva, to layout designs quickly. This app is perfect for those who are still learning how to design.
Ad Specialist
Having skills in how to run pay-per-click ads and different social media ads will help you be marketable. These are skills business owners are seeking even as part-timers to manage their FB ads, Google Ads, Twitter ads, or other platforms online ads. You will also be in charge of maintaining the database and following up with advertisers and clients to ensure that their ads get seen.
There are many tutorials online and also some that are free. You can learn how to do Google Adsense optimization to better understand how to optimize your ads on Google.
This is a very in-demand skill for virtual assistants. You could offer this as a service or make it your niche and specialize in bookkeeping; many companies look for virtual assistants to manage the day-to-day of their finances. Keep in mind that bookkeeping is different from accounting. It’s less inclusive, with specific tasks that might include:
- Data entry
- Invoicing
- Billing
- Employee reimbursement
- Payroll
- Reporting
- Inventory control and analysis
The list goes on and you can read more about the most in-demand skills as a virtual assistant here and here.
If you are looking for a part-time job that is flexible and allows you to work from home, then virtual assistant jobs are what you will need. This job will allow you to be your own boss and make money whenever possible.
You might want to consider applying as one of our part-time virtual assistants. Just click here and send us your resume. Pineapple prides itself on training our VAs to be equipped with the right skills they wish to excel in.